Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Post...Do I Really Have Time for This

"The Longest Journey Starts With a Single Step"

---Some Dead Person
I decided to give this blog thing a try. I know if you have come to my page why I decided to name my blog "Surviving My Fried Chicken & Biscuit Flavored Life." Being from the South, I have had the privilege (also misfortune) of enjoying these foods multiple times a week. Unfortunately, at 18 years old, I am far from healthy and no were near a healthy lifestyle of weight. I decided to make a lifestyle change on March 24, 2010. I began restricting my calories, eating healthier foods, and attempting to engage in physical activity most days of the week. As of now, I have lost 24 pounds :)
I hope to lose a total of 60-70 pounds by next June (yes, no more chunky butt). I absolutely REFUSE TO BECOME A STARVING STICK SURVIVING OFF TIC-TACS AND DIET COKE!!!
However, I would like to lower my risks of developing diseases and dying at an early age.
Good points, right?
Now, I must say this is not my first weight loss journey but I am actually seeing results and sticking to the plan.
It is very hard work!!!
(Curse you chicken and biscuits)
It seems like I am always never finishing what I start!!!
Not this time though....I refuse
Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. good luck!! I've already lost 5 pounds (and I have no idea how because I haven't been trying nor eating right). you can do anything you set your mind to!!
