Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's Official..Well Kind Of

Today unofficially marks the day that I have loss 40 pounds and am officially under 200 pounds. I say unofficially because for the past 2 weeks my weight has kinda been hovering around 200-202 pounds. Nevertheless, I feel better, I look better, and people are starting to notice my weight loss and give me compliments. 40 down, 25 more to go! It's going to be kind of hard because fall semester just started back and my classes look terrible (cell biology, organic chemistry, span 3, arts and humanities) but I am determined to make all A's, become more social , and lose weight. Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Post...Do I Really Have Time for This

"The Longest Journey Starts With a Single Step"

---Some Dead Person
I decided to give this blog thing a try. I know if you have come to my page why I decided to name my blog "Surviving My Fried Chicken & Biscuit Flavored Life." Being from the South, I have had the privilege (also misfortune) of enjoying these foods multiple times a week. Unfortunately, at 18 years old, I am far from healthy and no were near a healthy lifestyle of weight. I decided to make a lifestyle change on March 24, 2010. I began restricting my calories, eating healthier foods, and attempting to engage in physical activity most days of the week. As of now, I have lost 24 pounds :)
I hope to lose a total of 60-70 pounds by next June (yes, no more chunky butt). I absolutely REFUSE TO BECOME A STARVING STICK SURVIVING OFF TIC-TACS AND DIET COKE!!!
However, I would like to lower my risks of developing diseases and dying at an early age.
Good points, right?
Now, I must say this is not my first weight loss journey but I am actually seeing results and sticking to the plan.
It is very hard work!!!
(Curse you chicken and biscuits)
It seems like I am always never finishing what I start!!!
Not this time though....I refuse
Wish me luck!!!